My 2024 Word of the Year is CHERISH.
Throughout 2024, it has been my goal to be more intentional about valuing the people,
memories, aspirations, and assets I hold dear. How did I do?
I CHERISH my relationship with God. I attend worship services at Elizabeth Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia, which are available in-person and online. Thanks to our stellar ministries, no matter where I am in the world, I can enjoy singing and praising God. I appreciate God's presence, grace and mercy in my life! Every morning and throughout each day, I praise God for life, health and strength! I trust Him with all my being.
Spending time with my parents, siblings and sons is a priority. I'm always trying to figure out more ways for us to connect and enjoy one another. One of the highlights of my year was the mother-daughter beach vacation my sister and I went on with my mom. It was just the three of us enjoying a two-bedroom oceanfront condo on the Atlantic. I have become very intentional about planning opportunities to make lasting family memories.
A proud boy-mom, I appreciate how well my sons are adulting! It's also a treat talking with them by phone or video and enjoying our visits. Our relationships continue to grow and even change a bit, as they become older. I CHERISH every moment with them and try not to over-parent during conversations. Listening is my goal instead of advising. Moments to share wisdom may come naturally, but it feels special when my sons request advice.
I CHERISH my family.
Well, I have definitely balanced what I must do and what I want to do! I am no longer stretching myself far and wide. One major reason for this achievement is making some changes in my career. While I'm still enjoying nonprofit leadership, I no longer have to run an entire organization. The role I accepted in April 2024 as Director of ECE Competence and Practice at the Council for Professional Recognition enables me to focus on the aspects of education that I love - writing and professional development! I CHERISH my career.
Entrepreneurship remains important to me, so starting a cosmetics company, adding a new product to WINGS Curriculum, and publishing my first audiobook were significant moments in 2024. As much as I enjoy engaging with educators, it's nice to play in new sandboxes and meet 'goal-getters' in other professions. I CHERISH creativity and free enterprise.
Friends & Fun
I completed the goal of 'weeding my garden' by limiting the people in my circle. I paid closer attention to my mind, body and spirit, which often react to the people we're around. Negative and toxic engagements have been reduced or eliminated. Any decisions I am making and any time I am taking is based on who and what are most important to me, including myself. I've enjoyed relaxing trips alone and travels with other loved ones. I CHERISH my mental health.
My self-care has significantly improved! I am taking much better care of my body, enjoying regular infrared sauna sessions and spa treatments. Most importantly, I am learning through my integrative medicine physicians which foods I should avoid and the best exercises for my body, age and goals. Thanks to changes in my eating habits, such as removing gluten and dairy, I feel much younger and healthier. I CHERISH my body and physical health!
These are just a few snapshots and reflections from my year. I will forever CHERISH 2024 and all the experiences it brought my way!
What's your 2024 Word? Do you feel accomplished? Please share in the comments.